Safeguarding Training

Do I need to do Safeguarding Training?

Depending upon your role within the life of the Methodist Church you may need to complete both Foundation Level and Advanced Level training. You can find out below which level you need to complete for the office you hold within the life of the Church. 

Who needs to complete Foundation Level training?

Lay Employees
Pastoral Visitors
Anyone working with children in the name of the Church e.g. Youth Group Leaders, Music Group Leaders, Sunday School Teachers
Circuit Stewards
Church Stewards
Local Preachers
Worship Leaders
Church Safeguarding Officer
Circuit Safeguarding Officer
Choir/Music Group/Drama Leaders
Anyone leading activities targeted at adults who are vulnerable e.g. luncheon club, fellowship group etc.
Monitoring and Support Group Members for Safeguarding Contracts

Warmly invited but not mandatory:
Leaders of other organisations, working with children or vulnerable adults who use church premises e.g. Guide/Brownie Leaders
Property Stewards and other key holders
Church/Circuit Meeting Secretaries
Church/Circuit Administrators

Further details of who needs to complete Foundation Level Safeguarding Training is available from the Connexional Website here

Who needs to complete Advanced Level training?

You must have completed Foundation Level training at least once before attending an Advanced level training session. Those who hold either of the following roles within the life and work of the Methodist Church have a requirement to complete advanced level training:

Safeguarding Officer - Circuit
Safeguarding Officer - Church
Those in paid employment or a voluntary role which includes leadership within the Methodist Church involving direct work with Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults. 
Local Preachers
Worship Leaders

Further details of who needs to complete Advanced Level Safeguarding Training is available from the Connexional Website here

When do I need to renew my training?

Training needs to be renewed every four years. It is your responsiblity to make sure your training for your role is up-to-date. 

You only need to renew the highest level of training required for your role e.g. if you hold the office of a local preacher, the highest level of training required for your role is advanced level training, so you would only need to renew the advanced level not the foundation level as well. 

How do I book onto training?

If you need to attend Foundation Level training please see the next available date below and details of how to book onto the course. 

If you need to attend Advanced Level training please book via the District Website here

What happens if I do not attend training?

If you do not attend training, without good reason, which has been explained to the Superintendent Minister, you will be suspended from carrying out your role within the life of the Methodist Church until such a time as the training is completed. The training is a mandatory requirement if you hold one of the listed roles within the life of the Church. 

Foundation Level Safeguarding Training Dates

Upcoming training dates

Please email [email protected] to book a place or request further details.

Advanced Level Safeguarding Training Dates

Details about the next available advanced level training dates and how to book onto the training are available from the Nottingham and Derby Methodist District Safeguarding hub here


Unit 6, The Delph Centre
Swadlincote DE11 9DA, GB

About us

The circuit is called into being by the grace of God, led by Jesus Christ and is given the gifts for its work by and through the renewing power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit facilitates our mission through worship, witness and service of our congregations and circuit along with ecumenical co-operation and community engagement, encouraging shared ministry with all parts of the Christian family.  

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