Newhall Methodist Church
Newhall is a friendly church where we welcome people to join us in our Christian journey through worship, learning, caring, service and evangelism.
The church at Newhall is a grade 2 listed building situated in the centre of Newhall, and used for a variety of activities - Sunday worship, Tots Group, Messy Church, Saturday cafe and also lettings to other groups in the area.
In 2003 Newhall Ebenezer Methodist Church and Newhall Central Methodist church joined together to form Newhall Methodist Church and the premises were modernised to enable the building to be used for present day activities.
Sunday Worship:
Messy Church - Every second Saturday of the Month (except January, July and August) - 10.30am - 12.30pm
For a list of the services for this Church , please see here for the current Plan and here for the March 25- May 25 Plan .
Regular Events
Saturday Cafe: 1st Saturday of every month - 11.00am - 1.00pm
Tea & Chat: 3rd Saturday of every month - 2.30pm - 4.00pm
Book Group: 1st Wednesday of the month - 7.00pm
Prayer Group: 2nd Wednesday of the month - 7.00pm
Tots Group: Monday and Wednesday (Term Time) 9.20am - 11.15am
Newhall Methodist Church
21 Chapel Street
DE11 0JU