Hilton Methodist Church
Hilton is an active church in the village of Hilton who meet every week for worship and other activities, and seek to bring glory to God in every thing that we do.
Hilton has expanded into a large commuter village populated by people working for Toyota, Rolls-Royce or commuting to Derby, Nottingham or the West Midlands. There has been considerable building in recent years and the current school has been expanded and other local services developed to cope with the increased population.
Sunday Worship:
10.30am - Sunday Club with Creche
For a list of the services for this Church , please see here for the current Plan and here for the March 25- May 25 Plan .
Regular Events
Choir - Tuesdays at 7.30pm
Coffee Morning - Thursdays from 10.30am to 11.30am
Open for prayer - Thursdays 11.30am to 12.00noon
Man to Man - 3rd Thursday of the month - 7.30pm
Ladies Group - 3rd Wednesday of the month - 7.30pm
Walking Group - every Tuesday - 10am
Hilton Methodist Church
Main Street
DE65 5GG