Etwall Methodist Church

Etwall is an ​​active church in the village of Etwall who meet every week for worship and other activities.

Etwall is an affluent and vibrant village benefiting from several amenities including a post office, library, two village stores, a restaurant, pharmacy, dental practice, vets, and has a large village hall, a leisure centre and a cricket club


Sunday Worship:

For a list of the services for this Church , please see here for the current Plan and here for the March 25- May 25 Plan .  

Regular Events

Messy Church - 1st Saturday of the month -
10.30am - 12noon, crafts, bible stories and lunch.

CAMEO - Come and Meet Each Other - every Friday -
from 10.30 for light refreshments, 12 - 13.30 for soup


Revd. Mike Redshaw

Tel: 01283 564439
Email: [email protected]


Etwall Methodist Church
Willington Road
DE65 6HX


Unit 6, The Delph Centre
Swadlincote DE11 9DA, GB

About us

The circuit is called into being by the grace of God, led by Jesus Christ and is given the gifts for its work by and through the renewing power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit facilitates our mission through worship, witness and service of our congregations and circuit along with ecumenical co-operation and community engagement, encouraging shared ministry with all parts of the Christian family.  

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